Hillary Clinton pledges to keep troops in Iraq if violence escalates.
Hillary Clinton, made a surprise visit to Baghdad yesterday to reassure Iraqi leaders that the Obama White House would refrain from withdrawing its troops from urban areas if renewed violence continued to worsen.
And all this time, I thought that she lost the election.... I thought PIAPS wanted to bring the troops home?
It is interesting how only a few months makes all the difference. Six months ago, pre-election, the typical dumocrat talking point for total troop pull out was less than a year. Now, once King Barack Hussein is in, the date keeps being pushed out.
Only the Lib Kool-aid drinkers can't see this as a blatant lie serving to acquire more power.
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The parlor may be more formal than the family room, yet that doesn't mean
it needs to feel cool and character free. It is the "living room", taking
all thi...
9 years ago